Seminar 2013

On 31st July, we had a Noh workshop at Kanze-Nohgakudō in Shibuya with Kiyokazu Kanze, who is the master of the Kanze school, which is one of the major schools of Noh.
After speaking about the history and essence of Noh, Mr. Kanze guided us to the inner part of Nohgakudō, such as dressing rooms or staging wing, in which normally nobody can enter except the players themselves. Moreover we had lessons of dressing clothes, covering the face with a mask, walking on the stage and singing according to the Utai tradition. The experience of walking on the stage wearing a Noh mask has certainly been especially precious for everyone participating in the workshop. Our thanks to Mr. Kanze and Mr. Nagahata, who arranged this workshop.
Kanno Shimbori, who also participated in this workshop, published an article about Noh, including some pictures taken during the workshop. Please read it. Thank you Kanno.
新堀歓乃「宗教と音楽⑦ 花に彩られた能の世界」『生きる力 SHINGON』智山教化センター編集、真言宗智山派宗務庁発行、第75号、2013年12月、20〜21ページ。