




彼のシリンダー記譜法は、手回しオルガンの仕組みを応用するもので(図版1, 2)、この方法は18世紀末以降、金属性の櫛歯を弾くシリンダー・ミュージックボックス(オルゴール)の記譜に応用され実用化されていくのであり、まさに一つの技術革新であった。


S. Y.




2-2 The invention of new music recording methods : Marie Dominique Joseph Engramelle’s La tonotechnie ou l’art de noter les cylindres et tout ce qui est susceptible de notage dans les instruments de concerts méchaniques, Paris, 1775


Eh ! qui sçait si les Couprin, les Rameau, & une infinité de nos meilleurs Auteurs de Musique n’auroient pas pris plaisir à nous transmettre leurs excellentes compositions dans toute leur pureté, par le moyen de quelques tables ou cylindres, s’ils avoient sçu le notage? (p.x)


If the techniques for programming the barrels for automatic music instruments could be refined, not only would it be possible to play small melodies on hand-driven barrel organs but even the performance of famous musicians could be recorded and reproduced by machines. The distortion of music pieces by bad players would then no longer be heard, and the playing of the best musicians could be preserved for future generations. These were the ideas that led Marie-Dominique-Joseph Engramelle (1727-1805, Religieux Augustin) to invent a new method of notation for music barrels in his Tonotechnie of 1775. His method can be described as follows (Plate CIV).

Using the mechanism of a hand-driven barrel organ, a dial (cadran) is added to the crank. If, for the example, the crank has to be turned around 40 times while the barrel makes one turn, and one marks the barrel every time the crank returns to its original position, the barrel will be divided into 40 equal sections. If the dial is further divided into 9 equal parts and one makes a mark on the barrel at every place where the crank has been aligned to one of these parts, the barrel will be divided into 360 equal parts. The notator may decide to give an eighth note three of these parts, so one turn of the barrel will equal 120 eighth notes or 60 quarter notes. When at these points pins with a length proportional to the duration of the notes are aligned to the barrel, the organ will play the required note values exactly when the crank is turned around. This method represented real progress for automatic musical instrument makers and came to be used in cylinder music box fabrication from the 18th century onward.




