2-3.ベドス・ドゥ・セル/アングラメル『オルガン製作技巧』第4巻, 1778年
S. Y.
François Bédos de Celles (1709-1779) / Marie-Dominique-Joseph
Engramelle, L’art du facteur d’orgues, Quatrième Partie, 1778
F. Bédos de Celles (Dom Bédos), organ builder and corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences, who highly praised Engramelle’s La Tonotechnie, asked him to contribute to the fourth volume of L’art du facteur d’orgues. Engramelle thus used his own principles of barrel notation to notate Balbastre’s Romance as if it were performed by the composer himself.
M. Balbastre, un des plus célebres Organistes de Paris, […]
non-seulement il s’est donné la peine de noter lui-même sa piece sur le papier, telle qu’on la voit
gravée; mais il l’a exécutée à plusieurs reprises,
& son exécution a été suivie avec une montre à
secondes à la main; c’est pourquoi on est en état d’assurer que
sa piece entiere ne doit pas excéder la durée de 165 secondes;
qu’ayant été revue par lui-même, elle est dans son vrai
genre d’exécution. (p.620)
There are examples
where the same melodic elements are played with different ornaments and where
they are repeated (bars 2 and 23, 3 and 24, 6 and 27), and the special
arrangement of the trill in bars 19 and 20 probably closely follows Balbastre’s
performance practice.
Thus it would be no
exaggeration to say that we have here a recording of Balbastre’s playing.
However, it was not possible to reproduce all details exactly. The triplets
of the left hand, for example, are reproduced mechanically without any changes,
and it should not be forgotten that the reproducing instrument was a hand-driven
barrel-organ, on which exact time control is impossible.
Since then, the methods
of music recording have changed in manifold ways at the level of both software
and hardware. But one of the most basic principles of music recording was already
fully developed at this early stage, as a comparison of Engramelle’s drawings
with the piano rolls in the next corner demonstrates.