












2-6 The barrel notation of the small piece La Barcelonnette


Before Engramelle in L’art du facteur d’orgues approached the notation of Balbastre’s Romance, he treated the small piece La Barcelonnette (Plate CXIV) as a kind of exercise. In plates CXIV-CXVIII is shown how the pins based on the marks above and below the notation in plate CXIV have to be placed on the barrel. Also in this case, the sounding value of the note (black) and the silent part of the musical value of the note (grey) are distinguished. The pins are to be set to the black parts only.

The instrument that he had in mind was a serinette that can play 20-second-long melodies by one turn of the barrel. In the notation, lines for 13 notes are given, but only 10 notes are used. The barrel has a diameter of 6.075 cm or a circumference of 18.9 cm. The crank is provided with a dial divided in 13 parts, and four of these parts correspond to the length of an eighth note on the barrel. La Barcelonette is to be played détaché, that is, staccato, and therefore more notes than in the Romance are tactées, that is, notes played very shortly.